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The revolutionary impact of the online world on car tuning

Publicado el 01/24/2024

The world of car tuning has undergone a significant evolution since its inception, profoundly transformed by the influence of the internet. In this post, we will explore how online tuning shops, social media, and viral trends have shaped this exciting universe.

Initially, tuning was an art reserved for a few enthusiasts. With the advent of online tuning, this practice has been democratised, allowing enthusiasts from all over the world to customise their vehicles.


The rise of online tuning

The emergence of online tuning shops, such as ConvertCars, has made it much easier to access tuning parts for cars. Not only do these shops offer a wider variety of auto tuning accessories, but they have also generated competition that benefits the consumer in terms of price and quality.

In this case, ConvertCars, constantly updates the catalogue, allowing anyone to find the perfect accessory for their vehicle.


Online platforms and tuning communities

Tuning communities on platforms such as forums and social media have been instrumental in the dissemination of knowledge and techniques. Here, enthusiasts and professionals share experiences and tips, making tuning a more collaborative and enriching experience.

Influence of social networks on tuning

Tuning and social media have gone hand in hand in the popularisation of the hobby. Social media not only serves as a platform to showcase modifications, but also as a means to follow tuning trends and viral trends.


Current and future trends in tuning

Nowadays, we observe an inclination towards sustainable tuning, where the aim is to minimise the environmental impact. In addition, due to social media and its eye-catching posts, tuning trends are moving towards more extreme customisation, where vehicle customisation reaches levels never seen before.

Digital tuning and its future

Digital tuning has opened up a world of possibilities, from virtual simulations to the design of modifications using advanced software. This not only makes it easier to visualise changes, but also helps to anticipate possible complications.


Tuning in the age of viral trends 

With the viralisation of certain styles or modifications, we have seen how an idea can quickly spread and become a global trend. Viral tuning trends influence the direction tuning takes in terms of aesthetics and technology. Some of the most prominent trends include:

Vinyl wrap and graphic customisation

One of the most popular trends on social media is the use of vinyl wraps to completely change the exterior appearance of vehicles. These wraps not only protect the original paintwork, but also allow unprecedented graphic customisation, from geometric patterns to detailed artwork.

LED and Neon Lighting 

Lighting has taken a leading role in modern tuning. LED and neon lights are used to highlight the lines of the car, enhance the visibility of modifications and, in some cases, to add a splash of colour. This trend, amplified by its visual impact in photographs and videos, has become extremely popular on platforms such as Instagram and TikTok.

High-performance mods shared on networks 

Another viral trend is the focus on high-performance modifications, such as exhaust system upgrades, engine optimisation and the addition of turbochargers. These modifications, often shared on YouTube or specialised forums, not only improve the vehicle's performance, but also appeal to an audience passionate about mechanics and power.

JDM culture and Euro style

Specific cultural trends, such as JDM (Japanese Domestic Market) culture and Euro styling (focused on European cars), have found a prominent place in the online world. These trends are characterised by modifications that respect and enhance the original characteristics of vehicles from certain regions, and have been widely disseminated and celebrated on digital platforms.

These viral tuning trends demonstrate how the online world has not only influenced tuning in terms of accessibility and community, but has also served as a catalyst for innovation and diversification in this exciting field.


In short, the online world has radically changed the car tuning landscape. From online tuning to social media tuning communities, the way we interact, learn and apply tuning will never be the same again.


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